L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e ~ D o s t o ï e v s k i

L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e  ~  D o s t o ï e v s k i

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The purest earth, the tenderest witness - botanical studies by Albrecht Dürer

Das große Rasenstück (the large patch of turf), 1503.
Schöllkraut (greater celandine), 1526.
Acht Studien der wilden Blumen (Eight studies of wild flowers), ND.
Blaublühende Schwertlilie (bearded iris), circa 1503.
Die vier Heilkräuter (four medicinal herbs), circa1495-1500.
Veilchenstrauß (bouquet of violets), circa 1505.
Büschel von Schlüsselblumen (Tuft of Cowslips), 1526.
Ein Tabakpflanze  (a tobacco plant), ND.
Akelei, Stiefmütterchen, und Ochsenzunge (columbine, pansy, and common bugloss), 1526.
Hahnenfuß, Rotklee, und Wegerich (buttercups, red clover, and plantain), 1526.
Stamm und Blüten eines Türkenbundes (stem and flowers of a Turk's cap lily), 1495.
Akelei (columbine),1526.
Das kleine Rasenstück (the little patch of turf), circa 1514.


  1. Where are these very fine botanical studies? Are they dated? Are they signed "Albrecht Dürer".

    1. I don't know the specific location of each of these, though I believe several are in the Albertina in Vienna. Most are dated, or the date is known; I've included the date with the images here, where it's known. And Dürer's characteristic cipher can be seen in some of the examples here, though it's often quite faint.

  2. One of the most hope-restoring things I've seen in months. Thank youl
