On April 15, 1933, the just-turned twenty-two-year-old Jean Harlow purchased a 1932 Packard Deluxe Eight - "model 903, ninth series eight, 8-cylinder, 135-horsepower, 142.125-inch wheelbase, 4-person sport phaeton (body type number 531), deluxe equipment, radiator stone guard, fender mounted mirrors, and windshield wings"... whatever any of that means - from Thompson Motor Company, located on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, and drove it home. The manufacturer’s retail price for the car was $3,590.00 in 1933, or what would be $73,748.00 today. The photographs above are by studio photographer Clarence Sinclair Bull.
Posing with other cars.
Gorgeous cars, photography and woman. I adore the sailor outfit--the anchor belt clasp is the perfect touch.