L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e ~ D o s t o ï e v s k i

L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e  ~  D o s t o ï e v s k i

Sunday, January 17, 2021

All the real woman - selected paintings by Félix Vallotton

Femme drapée de rouge tenant une cigarette, 1922.
Jeune femme a l'écharpe verte, 1923.
La Blanche et la noire, deux femmes, 1913.
Femme au chevalet, 1925.
Jeune femme lisant,1923.
Coquèterie, 1911.
 Le Chapeau noir, 1909.
Portrait de jeune femme en robe de velour, 1911.
Négresse au corsage rose, 1910.
La Liseuse, 1922.
Buste à l'armoire, 1914.
Jeune femme assise de profil, 1914.
Portrait de Gabrielle Vallotton, 1908. The artist's wife.
La Femme Aux Roses, ND.
La jeune fille au miroir, 1911.
Une femme blonde voilée de noir, 1909.
Le Chapeau violet, 1907.
Le Retour de la mer, 1924.
Femme avec un poudrier, date unreadable, possibly 1921.
Femme au châle rouge, 1920.
Portrait de Madame Haasen, 1908.
Portrait de Marthe Mellot, 1906.
Jeune fille, 1909.
L'Étoffe jaune, 1913.
Femme lisant, 1906.
Portrait de Aïcha Goblet, 1922.
Lectrice avec la chaîne jaune, 1912.
Femme lisant seins nus, 1921.
La Lecture abandonnée, 1924.
Négresse assise de face, 1911.
Femme brune assise de face, avec guitare, 1913.
La Roumaine en robe rouge, 1925.
Le Ruban vert, 1911.

I've only just recently really started looking at Vallotton's work. I don't know why it's never "hooked" me before, but now, belatedly, I'm captivated. He was quite prolific and completed equally wonderful work in just about every category of painted subject matter. I recently completed a post that featured a selection of his still-lifes, and I think his interiors and/or landscapes are on this blog's horizon. I'm guessing I'll have as much fun collecting those images as I did searching out these. Even though, as is typical, I had to reject several fascinating images that were just too small or of insufficient quality to include. Hence this last one... just one more...?

Femme au châle rouge, 1921.


  1. Many thanks. Vallorron had access to a lot of different women in a lot of different settings, didn't he? And he didn't tart them up so much that even their mothers would not have recognised them.

    Femme brune assise de face, avec guitare, 1913 and
    Femme avec un poudrier, c1921 show exactly what I mean.

  2. Many thanks from me as well. Many of these, I had never seen before. He was an amazing artist. "Disquieting," often. Interesting, always.

