L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e ~ D o s t o ï e v s k i

L a - b e a u t é - s a u v e r a - l e - m o n d e  ~  D o s t o ï e v s k i

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mimi's Death - speaking with Renata Scotto

This year, at 76, retired from the stage, giving an appreciation of the quiet simplicity of the death of one of opera's greatest heroines. A great singer and artist, Scotto was also a very great actress.


  1. Such beauty. I love what she says and how she says it--and the way she "acts" it even in that tiny demonstration. And how much the pianist loves it. What a beautiful, little interaction.

  2. And after singing/acting this countless times throughout her career, she still finds it thrilling, even just talking about it. Lovely to see.
