Sunday, July 7, 2024

Randomly XXVIII

Portrait of Frank Miwa in a suit, unknown photographer, circa 1940s.
 New York, by Edward Hopper, circa 1944.
Tennessee Williams when a young boy, circa 1920-25.
Cupid and the Wheel of Fortune, by Titian, circa 1515-20.
Ancient Greek mirror on a caryatid base, adorned with figures of Aphrodite, Erotes, and others, circa 460 BC.
Ludwika Borchowa née Zyberk, anonymous artist, circa late 1770s.
Continental School, circa late 1770s.
Poster for "The Bull-Dogger", a lost silent film (some fragments remain), 1921.
Mehmet Ali Bağana fencing while a student in Hohenheim, Germany, circa 1917.
Standing male nude, by William Etty, before 1849.
 Hercules Crowned by Glory, by Martin Desjardins, 1671.
Interiors of the New Hermitage - Room of Ancient Greece Sculptures, by Konstantin Andreievich Ukhtomsky, 1853.
Erzherzogin Maria Amalie im Tanzkleid mit einer Maske in der Hand, by David Richter the Elder, 1709.
Advertisement for the Citroën C4, circa 1930s.
Pendant - aquamarine engraved with a design of putti, diamonds, platinum - unknown maker, circa 1905.
 Two Women Dressed up in Men’s Suits, Zgharta, Lebanon, by Marie al-Khazen, circa 1920.
Fighters, by Douglass Ewell Parshall, 1930.
Swaddled twins - the prematurely deceased children of Jacob de Graeff and Aeltge Boelens, anonymous artist, 1617.
Storm, by Anders Zorn, 1891.
Boston street, unknown photographer, circa 1930s.
Bildnis des Goldschmieds Johann Jakob Rordorf, by Hans Jacob Oeri, 1806.
"Yours, Gordon."
Flower Still-life with an Alabaster Vase, by Gerard van Spaendonck, 1783.
Grisaille depicting Venus binding Love, by Piat-Joseph Sauvage, circa third quarter of the eighteenth century.
 Unidentified artist holding a paintbrush in his mouth, by David C. Collins of Philadelphia, circa 1850.
Femme à sa toilette, by Berthe Morisot, circa 1870s.
Harrison Asleep, by John Singer Sargent, circa 1905.
Sir John Gordon, by Edmé Bouchardon, 1728.
Portrait dit «Tête de Nègre», by Henri Regnault, circa 1869-1871.
A room in the Palais-Royal, by Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, 1820.
Adam and Eve in Paradise, by Guido Reni, 1620.
La Charrette, by Félix Vallotton, 1911.
Bacchante Giving Cupid a Drink, by Fyodor Bruni, 1828.
Rachel de Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton, by Cornelius Johnson, circa 1620s.
Zojoji Temple - Shiba, from the Twenty Views of Tokyo series, by Hasui Kawase 川瀬 巴水, 1925.
A Welsh tailor from Bryn Du, Ynys Môn, by John Thomas of Ceredigion, 1875.
Fresco from the "House of the Chaste Lovers", Pompeii.
Reclining Male Nude, by Bernard Benezet, 1858.
Leo Souvan, by Matija Jama, 1900.
Call of Death, by Käthe Kollwitz, 1937.
Bouquet of Pansies, Forget-me-nots, and Daisies, by Édouard Vuillard, circa 1900.
The park of a country villa with figures promenading near a cascade of water, by Hubert Robert, circa 1787-89.
Self-portrait, by Gian Paolo Lomazzo, 1555.
US Navy sailors, study for a Collier's Magazine cover, by J.C. Leyendecker, 1917.
Bronze bust of Ptolemy Apion, 1st century BC.
Still-life, by Cuno Amiet, 1925.
Madame Huard, née Marie Adélaïde Anneau, by Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet, 1816.
French language poster for Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box), circa 1929.
 Jeune homme à la fleur, by Paul Gauguin, 1891.
Sarah Wordsworth, later Mrs. Robert Hartshorn Barber, by Henry Raeburn, 1820.
The crown of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, German school, seventeenth century.
Massachusetts politician and Civil War general Nathaniel Prentice Banks, 1852.
Gown by Callot Sœurs, circa 1912-14.
 Vue de la chambre à coucher de l'impératrice au palais de Fontainebleau, by Jean-Baptiste Fortuné de Fournier, 1861.
Self-portrait, by Jean-Baptiste Joseph Bastiné, 1830.
Amor eine Glaskugel haltend, by Caesar van Everdingen, circa 1650-55.
Advertisement for the Humber Snipe 80 Sports Saloon, by H.W. Shrimpton, 1932.
Boxer (?) Adolph Pitz, circa 1910s.
Peasant Bride from Åland, by Karl Emanuel Jansson, 1869.
Narcisse, servant of the duc d'Orléans, by Louis Carrogis Carmontelle, circa 1770.
Boy, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, circa second half of the nineteenth century.

1 comment:

  1. Collection éclectique bien organisé, un grand tour d’images. :)
    -Beau Mec
