Friday, December 20, 2019

Sans personne présent - five otherwise unrelated paintings

 Nature morte, fleurs dans une cruche en céramique, by Aimé Victor Barraud, 1939.
Stilleben, by Thorolf Holmboe, 1907.
Bodegón con piña, by Hermenegildo Bustos, 1877.
Chez Helleu [the artist Paul-César Helleu}, by Walter Gay, 1902.
Rum Row, by Frederic Judd Waugh, 1922.


  1. Oh, I love them all for different reasons. Thank you once again, Stephen for bringing beauty into my world. xo

  2. Such intricate paintings, they have a delicacy to them. Love the details of the mums by Barraud, the leaves and lanterns by Holmboe, the console table by Gay and the Iris's in their makeshift vases by Waugh. -Rj
