Sunday, November 18, 2018

Eight ladies in white

Madame Philippe Lenoir, by Émile-Jean-Horace Vernet, 1814.
Eugenia de Montijo, condesa de Teba (the future Empress Eugénie of the French), by  Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz, 1849.
Anne Pauline Dufour-Feronce with her son, Jean-Marc-Albert, by Johann Friedrich August Tischbein, 1802.
Lady in a Salon, French school, circa 1820s.
I love the bit of wintry landscape just glimpsed through the window.
Oddly, during this period artists often painted women's feet as absurdly small. Even the most accomplished painters frequently went along with this strange trend.
Fürstin Maria Teresa von Hohenzollern, née Principessa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, by Philip de László, 1900.
The Duquesa de Osuna, a young woman and child, by Agustín Esteve, circa 1796-97. Given the date, the child could be the duchess' youngest daughter, Manuela.
 Both ladies are wearing the Orden de las Damas Nobles de María-Luisa.
Madame Tallien (Thérésa Cabarrus; by the date of this portrait, princesse de Chimay), by Jean-Bernard Duvivier, 1806.

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