Sunday, August 7, 2016

One portrait - Ivan vasilyevich Markov, Governor of Mogilev, by Feodor Tulov, circa 1837-38

To my way of thinking, this is a perfect portrait. Precise, elegant, insightful, both grand and intimate. And quite surprisingly modern in its directness and the austerity of the pictorial plane; it's almost starkly beautiful. And for the artist - it must be said that the little known Tulov was a wildly inconsistent painter - this is certainly his masterpiece.


  1. Marvellous portrait! Yet another one of your miraculous discoveries--splendidly described, I might add.

    1. Thank you, sir! I had found this while looking for other portraits by the obscure Tulov. I couldn't find a larger image and doubted that it was actually a work of the same painter. Then I - did - find a nice big image and was able to see the signature. Copied it into a folder on the computer, and every time I ran across it I loved it more. Finally, I just had to give it its own post! : )
