Saturday, July 18, 2015

Les autres dans l'atelier - how does one get any work done...?

In the studio of the artist, by Wilhelm August Golicke, 1832. The model is in the background,
dressing or undressing, but her little shoe is in the foreground by the posing platform.
The artist in his studio, by Gerrit Dou, circa 1628. I wonder about the rather ominous fellow in the doorway....
Frith in his studio painting Alexandra, Princess of Wales for "The Marriage of the Prince of Wales", by John Ballantyne, 1863.
Ballantyne's likeness of the Princess is no better than Frith's turned out to be.

Tsar Nicholas I and the artist, by Bogdan Willewalde, 1883. Painted almost thirty years after the death of the
Tsar, who appears to be actively "assisting" the artist; if the Tsar wants to help, who's going to tell him no?
The artist in his studio and his man Gibbs, by George Morland, 1802. What a dreary studio! But the drawings above the grate are charming.
L'Atelier de Houdon (Houdon modelant le buste de Laplace dans son atelier), by Louis-Léopold Boilly, 1804.
The painter in his studio, by Jan Miense Molenaer, circa 1633.
Im Atelier, by Moritz Stifter, 1890. Whose children have been brought in by the babushka'd crone?
Im Atelier des Malers, by Jan Josef Horemans II, circa mid-eighteenth century. The fellow at center is grinding pigment to make paint.
Atelier of the artist Venetsianov, by Alexander Alexeyevich Alexeyev, 1827. A young serf girl looks to have been put to work as a model.
The studio of Ingres in Rome, by Jean Alaux , 1818. The painter holds a violin rather than a paint brush, and a cat sleeps by the open door.



  1. I have a keen interest in artists' studios. I really appreciate this post.

  2. I appreciate this as well! Thanks!
