Thursday, May 29, 2014

Portrait of a Young Danish Naval Officer, by Bernard Axel Bendixen, 1841

Bernard "Benny" Axel Bendixen (10 May 1810, Copenhagen - 24 May 1877, Hamburg ), Danish painter, lithographer, and photographer.  He studied at the Art Academy in Copenhagen, but left Denmark in 1840.  After travelling in Sweden and Germany, he settled in Hamburg, where he married and became well known as a portrait painter.


  1. I love how it's nearly mannerist - naive but also highly sophisticated -the long lean line of the body, the incredible detail on the uniform and sword. Brilliant and graphic.

    1. "Naive but also highly sophisticated" - exactly. That's the sort of thing I find so appealing about so many of the paintings that I post. There's a kind of tension that those seemingly opposed attributes give to the work that I think gives it tremendous energy.

      And I always love your very observant and informed comments, Stefan! : )

  2. Por herencia familiar poseo dos grandes retratos del pintor danés Benny Bendixen, son obras al óleo sobre tela (firmadas) sobre el daguerrotipista de Hamburgo Adolfo Alexander (1822-1881) y de su esposa argentina Rosario Lencinas. Abel Alexander. San Miguel. (Buenos Aires) Argentina. NOTA: Considero que Bendixen y Alexander fueron vecinos y amigos pues, en la ciudad de Hamburgo, ambos explotaron el reciente invento del daguerrotipo. Adolfo Alexander volvió a su Hamburgo natal y residió con su familia entre los años 1868 hasta 1878, fecha en que regresó definitivamente a Buenos Aires con su mujer y siete hijos americanos y alemanes. (11) 4526-7606.

    1. Tan interesante; Gracias por el comentario, Abel.
