Sunday, July 18, 2021

Polish paint - selected paintings by Marcin Jabłoński


I seem to have a particular fondness for artists whose skill was rather limited, whose work somehow manages to display sophistication and naïveté at the same time. Jabłoński (1801, Rzeszow, Poland - 19 February 1876, Lviv, Ukraine), of whom I'd never heard and for whom I can find no other information, fits that description. Stiff, inconsistent, but rich in detail and occasionally brilliant in color, his work is the sort of thing I always find charming.

Portrait of a man, 1827.
Melania Sobańska, 1832.
Hipolit Czajkowski, circa 1836-37.
Portrait of a lady, 1861.
Girl with a book, 1842.
Emil Gérard de Festenburg and his daughter Julią, 1839.
Julią Gérard de Festenburg and her daughter Karoliną, 1839. Pendant of the above.
Karol Kollarzowski, 1835.
Amelia Załuska, circa 1840.
Wincenta Jaźwińska, 1851.
Rev. Jan Szafrański, 1838.
Portrait of a lady, 1834.
"Portrait of Cetner", 1838.
 A Krakovian lady, 1845.


  1. Martin Jablonski was born in Silesian Glogow and received artistic instruction throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire, studying variously in Lviv, Warsaw, Krakow and Vienna. He was able to establish his career in 1820. In addition to his portraiture, for which he is perhaps best known, Jablonski composed paintings of a religious nature, predominantly for the decoration of altarpieces. He was also a prolific lithographer, producing a series of 40 Galician landscapes based upon the descriptions of Steczynski, a series of 24 depictions of the busts of the Kings of Poland, Central European cityscapes and traditional Polish costume. Jablonski remained in Central and Eastern Europe for the entirety of his career, which came to an end upon the artist’s death in Lviv in 1870.

    I didn't recognise his work either,
