Sunday, November 4, 2018

Randomly XIII

Self-portrait, by Marc Chagall, 1919.
Lana Turner, circa late 1940s-early 1950s.
Unknown, circa last quarter of the 19th century.
Amarillis Crowning Mirtillo, by Jacob van Loo, circa 1640-60.
Estudio desnudo masculino de Guadalajara, by Librado García "Smarth", circa 1922.
Monks in a monastery courtyard, by Franz Ludwig Catel, 1856.
Self-portrait, by George Frederic Watts, 1879.
Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase, by Gustave Courbet, 1862.
Cover illustration, by Loris Riccio, 1929.
The Parasol, by Richard Edward Miller, 1913.
Waiting for the Sunday Boat, by William Henry Jackson, 1902.
The Grand Duchess Xenia and Princess Irina Yusupova in mourning for the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (their husband and father, respectively), 1933.
Le Chat gourmand crévant une toile pour manger des harengs (trompe-l'oeil with a cat and fish), by Louis-Léopold Boilly, circa 1822.
Jacob's Dream of the Heavenly Ladder, by Domenico Fetti, 1619.
Ménagère (set of flatware), by Salvador Dalí, 1957.
Mary Astor and John Barrymore in "Beau Brummel", 1924.
Lieutenant of the 6e Cuirassiers, circa second half of the 19th century.
Young Man with a Sword, Max Švabinský, 1896.
Unknown, circa late 19th-early 20th century. Courtesy Ralf De Jonge.
Unknown, European, circa 1820s.
Burmese "lady boy", by Émile Gsell, circa 1880.
Lithograph after a portrait of John "Gentleman" Jackson, prizefighter and businessman, by Benjamin Marshall, before 1812.
Rendezvous, by Arthur Georg von Ramberg, 1870.
The Hon. Ruth Cable, Lady Benthall, by Glyn Philpot, circa 1935.
Unknown, circa early 20th century. Courtesy Ralf De Jonge.
Winifred Shaw and Dick Powell with Ramon & Rosita (not actually Rosita) in the "Lullaby of Broadway" production number from Gold Diggers of 1935, 1934-35.
Turkish Groom Holding An Arab Stallion, by Carle Vernet, circa first quarter of the 19th century.
James Dean during the filming of East of Eden, 1954.
Fashion plate, December 1787.
Zofia Potocka, née Branicka, by Giuseppe Molteni, circa 1830.
Alice Vronska and Konstantin Alperov - "Vronska and Alperoff" - shipboard, circa 1924-25.
A Shepherd Boy, Franz von Lenbach, 1860.
Daguerreotype by Gustav Oehme, circa 1845.
New York, New York: waiting for trains at Pennsylvania Station, by Marjory Collins, 1942.
Probably Pauline de Chauvigny, duchesse d'Aumont, by François Dumont, 1794.
Venus Consoling Cupid Stung by a Bee, Benjamin West, circa 1802.
Opium smokers, by Lai Afong, circa 1880. Courtesy Ralf De Jonge.
Szidónia Deák, by Alajos Györgyi Giergl, 1861.
Unknown, circa 1860s. Courtesy Ralf De Jonge.
The Artist's Bedroom in St. Petersburg, by Konstantin Somov, Paris, 1932.
Unknown, circa late 19th-early 20th century. Courtesy Ralf De Jonge.
Saint Sebastian, by Gerrit van Honthorst, 1623.
Self-portrait, by Rita Angus (signed "Rita Cook", her married name at the time), 1936.
Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages, by Paris Bordone, circa 1530.


  1. 5th photo from last, GENTLEMAN AT THE WINDOW, so handsome an enigma, one must know who he is.
    The beautiful and graceful Vronska and Alperov on the deck of one of those palatial ocean liners, at one time so famous (the Ballet Russes), now all but forgotten.
    The photo of James Dean pugnacious and innocent all at once, just another workday for him, in a life soon to be cut too short, so cruel. - Rj/IE

  2. Back a second time, The bouquet of flowers by the brilliant Courbet so beautiful. The cat and fish by Boilly so cute. The Burmese lady-boy by Gsell and the opium smokers by De Jonge so much in the Oriental firmament.
    The male nudes by Svabinsky and Garcia, demure and sublime. Somov's dressing table, charming detail.
    The self-portrait by Rita Angus, reminds one of Cate Blanchett in the film Carol.
    Such details in all of them. - Rj/IE

    1. Yes! And, yes, there's something quite remarkable about that Courbet. Gorgeous.
