Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dogs can't eat chocolate

Recently, I was sent a lovely email by one of my collectors.  He and his wife live in California, but over the years they've purchased four of my pieces.  We've never met.  His email was just to tell me how much he admired my work, and how much he and his family enjoyed living with it.  I was very touched.

At the end of the email he asked if we might like a gift of his art.  By which he meant chocolate.  I said, yes, we would most definitely like.  Then I proceeded to get the bug that's going around - G got it first - and rather forgot about the possibility of chocolates winging their way to our doorstep.  A few days ago this arrived:

Six pounds of gorgeously packaged Woodhouse chocolates.  My collector and his family are Woodhouse Chocolate.  A family business in St. Helena, Napa County.  In my email to thank them for their rather magnificent generosity, I mentioned that G and I were still getting over being sick, and that we would commence tasting once we'd gotten to the point where we felt we could do the gift justice.  Last night was the night.



Every March 1st - or leap day, if there is one; it really should be leap day - G and I celebrate "José Day", the day on which, in 2008, our very aged little Chihuahua passed away.  Since we have Nicholas now - Chihuahua redux? - he's included in the evening's entertainments, which include a dog-related film and treats, for us and for Nicholas.  Last night we got started too late to watch a whole movie.  (It's always rather a scramble to find something apt, anyway; our collection of dog-related films is quite meagre.  And when you're mourning the loss/celebrating the life of a dog, just how comforting is "Umberto D."?)  So we decided to watch a few episodes of "I love Lucy", instead. 

As part of our Christmas gifts to each other this past year, we bought a huge, garishly packaged complete set of "I Love Lucy" and, when we don't have time to watch a movie, we'll often watch an episode or two.  Or three or four.  This first time through, we've been watching them in the order they aired.  Last night, as I put the next disc in, the one that was the beginning of the second season, I thought, you know, we're going to have some of that chocolate tonight, what if...?  And as fate would have it - it usually does, you know - the first episode on the disc was the one where Lucy and Ethel go to work in the candy factory.  Perfect.


By the way, our chocolates were amazing.  Subtle and complex and sure to play major havoc with my diet.  Nicholas got his treats as well.  A miniscule amount of good cheese, a miniscule amount of roast chicken.  Nicholas did not get any chocolate.